We are celebrating National Lutheran Schools Week Jan. 22-Jan. 29. One of our service projects this year is to collect money for India Transformed! The money we collect will go to help provide food, clothing, and education to children without sponsors in India.
We will also be collecting items for health kits that the St. John’s Evening Guild are putting together.
Each morning the entire school will meet in the gym for morning devotions. Throughout the week teachers will be keeping track of their class’s participation. So, dress up and bring in items to win your class prizes at the end of the week!!
Monday- Comfy Cozy Day, wear your most comfortable pants and shirt and don’t forget your slippers! (bring bath size bars of soap)
Tuesday- Character Day, dress up as your favorite character; whether it be superhero, book, tv, or movie. (bring adult size toothbrush)
Wednesday- School Spirit Day, wear your school theme shirt to show your school spirit! (bring comb’s-no picks or fine toothed combs)
Thursday- Sports Fan Day, get decked out in your favorite team’s gear! (bring metal nail clippers)
Friday- Decade Day, pick your favorite decade and get decked out! (bring lightweight bath size towel-dark color please