Church News

1113 of 13 items

Lutheran Sports Association Tournament

by Justin Palm

We are blessed to be able to send multiple teams to state competitions this year. Our Cheerleading team will again compete at the LSA state competition and look to improve upon their 7th place finish from last year Our Lady’s basketball team will again compete at the LSA state tournament and hope to build on the […]

2017 Constitution and By-Laws Review

by Andrew Stellhorn

At yesterday’s Voter’s Assembly we reviewed recommended changes to our Constitution and By-Laws.  These recommendations are to be reveiewed by the voters and considered for the next quarterly meeting. Download File

Lutheran State Cross Country

by Justin Palm

“St John’s Lutheran school had 2 firsts in school history over the weekend. The Cross Country team made their first appearance at the State level and they brought back the first piece of hardware for the sport.  The boys team placed 7th out of 16 school at the Lutheran State CC meet in Bloomington, IL. This […]
